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KDC 카테고리

도서 Freewater
  • ㆍ저자사항 Amina Luqman-Dawson
  • ㆍ발행사항 New York: Little, Brown, 2023
  • ㆍ형태사항 403 p.; 21 cm
  • ㆍISBN 9780316056618
  • ㆍ이용대상자 Ages 8-12
  • ㆍ주제어/키워드 Freewater African American Community Sibling Slavery
  • ㆍ소장기관 연암


구분, 낱권정보, 소장처, 별치, 자료상태, 반납예정일, 예약, 상호대차를 안내하는 표입니다.
구분 낱권정보 자료실 / 청구기호 자료상태 반납예정일 예약 상호대차 도서관서비스
EM0000333431 아동영어코너 대출가능 - 예약불가 신청하기
상호대차서비스 신청은 대출가능 소장도서만 가능합니다.


Under the cover of night, twelve-year-old Homer flees Southerland Plantation with his little sister Ada, unwillingly leaving their beloved mother behind. Much as he adores her and fears for her life, Homer knows there's no turning back, not with the overseer on their trail. Through tangled vines, secret doorways, and over a sky bridge, the two find a secret community called Freewater, deep in the swamp. In this society created by formerly enslaved people and some freeborn children, Homer finds new friends, almost forgetting where he came from. But when he learns of a threat that could destroy Freewater, he crafts a plan to find his mother and help his new home. Deeply inspiring and loosely based on the history of maroon communities in the South, this is a striking tale of survival, adventure, friendship, and courage.

도서정보 상세보기[NAVER 제공]